Dr. King said, “everybody can be great because everybody can serve.” This credo is a central component of American YouthWorks, where young people come to help themselves and the community. For 15 years, we’ve been hosting projects on Martin Luther King Day of Service in order to share the spirit of Dr. King’s vision with the young people who are involved in our job training programs, making the holiday “a day on, not a day off”.
This year, young people from American YouthWorks beautified three sites in East Austin, the Burdette Prairie Cemetery and adjoining Greenbelt, Poquito Creek, and Dove Springs.
Volunteers came from Keep Austin Beautiful, The Amala Foundation, DPR Construction, Huston-Tilloston University, and the community. DPR Construction presented American YouthWorks with a donation.
“A day on, not a day off” is part of a nationwide effort where citizens, nonprofits, and government in thousands of communities serve together to meet critical needs and advance Dr. King’s dream of opportunity for all.