Community pitches in!
What a day! Over 100 people from American YouthWorks, Keep Austin Beautiful, The Montopolis Greenbelt Association, The Cemetery Association, Westwood High School Honor Society and community volunteers all pitched in at three sites in East Austin to “MAKE IT A DAY ON, NOT A DAY OFF.”
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For 15 years, American YouthWorks has been hosting projects on Martin Luther King Day of Service in order to share the spirit of Dr. King’s vision with the young people who attend our school and job training programs. Dr. King said ‘everybody can be great, because everybody can serve,’ and this credo is a central component of our mission.
The groups removed trash and cleared brush at the sites, both of which have a history of illegal dumping.
“A day on, not a day off” is part of a nationwide effort in thousands of communities across all 50 states.